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Ten reasons the Love Calculator can find you Mr or Miss Right

  1. Our matching system takes the chance out of finding your next love by matching you with other compatible users based on your full name.
  2. There are 64 personality types so each name has traits of its own that will either modify, balance or clash with traits found in other people’s name so, we are compatible with some people but not with others.
  3. We recognise that searching through endless profiles is time-consuming when all you want to do is meet someone special you can connect with. 
  4. When you meet someone through Love by Name, you know that you will share similar personality traits, giving you every chance to build a relationship and find lasting love.
  5. Our matching system selects compatible matches for you but you are in control when it comes to accepting or declining other members’ connection requests.
  6. If you are cash-rich but time-poor our system will get to the heart of the matter and only notify you when compatible matches have been selected, thus saving you time, effort and energy.
  7. With the right person, you don’t have to work so hard to be happy.  It just happens effortlessly.
  8. When you meet someone compatible you should ‘click’ and feel at ease with that person.  It may seem like you have known them for a long time.  That’s compatibility!
  9.  Looks may fade but compatibility should flourish.
  10. The power of a name is the key to happiness.